Thursday, November 10, 2011

Flirting Flirting or Friendly Flirting

So these posts are going to be a little out of order. I just have this question that I need help with so it's going first. I have a list of things to blog about, but as you know there's this thing that keeps getting in the way -- life!

So here's my question: How do I know when he's flirting flirting or just friendly flirting?

What's the difference you ask? Well.....I have a lot of friends who are just big flirts....ok ok myself included. We'll say all these little flirty complimentary things to make someone feel good, to smile, to flirt back, cuz it's fun - You know just silly little flirty things that are not necessarily intended to be romantic. (Though some little flirtations have surprised me and turned into 3yr relationships.)

Then there's the heavy duty flirty - the looking up through the eye lashes, the pouty lip etc etc (don't wanna give away all my tricks hehe - that will be another post lol) These are the get over here and kiss me flirts.

Now - guys and girls tend to be very different flirts. I can read a girl pretty easy and know if she's seriously interested / could go either way / just having fun but don't ask her out. This helps my guy friends a lot when they don't have a clue how they should proceed.

But with guys!! I'm clueless I'm afraid. I've been told that guys are a little more straight forward and will just ask out - this is not true at all in my case.....with the 3yr exception - the guys that have asked me out have required a huge sign on my part - some even needed it to be in neon!!

Well I don't wanna turn it on if the guy isn't interested - helllloooo awkward. And even though I can get over it fast and move on, they usually think that I am desperately in love with them and am pining by the phone for hours on end. PA-LEASE!! Yeah I may FB stalk you, but that's just for fun and to make me feel better when you're not dating anyone as cute as I. ;) (please know I'm kidding about the cute comparison - mostly ;) hehe) do I know when to turn up the heat??
Example - there is a friend of mine that I see regularly. We don't really hang out but we see each other in a social arena. He is definitely A-group. And you know how shy I get around A-group. Well, he keeps making little jokes about me not dating him. And he always asks if I'm seeing someone. (He's totally gonna know I'm talking about him if he reads this LOL - oh well - what can you do? - oh yeah not write. hmmmm) He's pretty "cool" in his personality so it's hard to tell if he's testing the waters or if he's just flattering me. Either way is completely fine for me. I enjoy the flattery and I wouldn't be opposed to going out should he ask.
So do I turn up the heat anyway just a little and see what he does?.....or is it a pretty safe bet that there's nothing really there on his end?

As I'm writing this I'm thinking back on my past "relationships" / "whatever you callems" and realized that in fact what I've done in the past to get things rolling is to turn up the heat a bit and see if something simmers. This was always because they seemed to respond well to my friendly flirting. The trick/problem is I don't want to scare the boy away if he's not interested cuz I'm cool with being just friends. In fact I'm a slow mover when it comes to romance. I just know how "freaked out" boys can get. So how do I know if he's looking for a sign from me?

So my theory - small degrees - test the water and if he seems comfy up it a little, if he responds in kind, add a little more.....and if he doesn't seem comfy - the next time I see him keep it WWWAAAYYY casual and brief.

What do you all think?
My friends have always said I'm clueless when a guy is interested. I really never think they are and it usually surprises me.
I've also been told I'm a little intimidating to ask out - which is why they need the SIGN with flashing lights.

Well I am willing to take on some of the responsibility. I just need to know.
Next time we'll talk about the intimidation factor - today let's just figure out if he's even interested. :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Cub, the Wolf and the Swan

So funny story - On Saturday night I got all dressed up in my Halloween costume and went to my brother's concert. (He's on tour with Jason Webley) I figured I probably wasn't going to meet anyone at a concert b/c we're just there to listen to music and watch the band and talk with friends - wait that's like clubbing - why did I think I wouldn't meet anyone??
Not only that - my brother is IN the band!! HELLOOOOO!! Of course I'm trying very hard to not fall in love with another musician. I have a bias. I know I know.....and if it happens it happens - I remain open to all opportunities - and truth be told everyone I fall for anyway is a musician even if they've chosen a different career path. Let's face it - I am musically driven - I am a musician - I speak the language and vibrate on harmonies that tend to be in tune with other like harmonies - Most likely the person I match with will have this quality and talent. Fine.

Anyway, it was good I wasn't going with any kind of agenda because I went with confidence!! I didn't really care if I was thin enough or cute enough or whatever enough....I just knew I had a fun costume and my make-up turned out well and I wanted ot show it off. People loved it!! There was another Black Swan there as well and I felt a kind of bond. Easiest costume I've done in a long time!! I had everything at home already!! I learned that things do not have to be exact just a representation and that is widely accepted. :)

Well we had a blast dancing the night away!! - I think b/c I was in costume I didn't care what I looked like when I danced - no wait....I think I'm like that anyway. LOL But the costume did help - and I got to wear flats!!!!

So....after the concert, after we loaded the van, after I met the darling, handsome, charismatic band mates of my bro's - I met these two girls  who were waiting for their ride. I'm not sure their exact age, but they seemed maybe Seniors in high school or just graduated. Well I wasn't about to leave them on the streets of Hollywood by themselves at 2:30 in the I stayed and chatted with them. And good thing I did....The Wolf approached. I had seen him when we were loading the van - he had complimented my costume and eyed me. I thanked him but kept working. He left. Then he returned again when I was talking to the girls. He got to the corner hung for a bit and then walked back to make his 3rd approach. Now I'm sure he is a super nice guy in real life....but 3 girls waiting for a ride alone @ 2:30am - naturally we were a little nervous with him. I tried to play it off and speak very strong and confident to aleviate the fear I saw in the eyes of the girls. I also got the pepper spray out of my purse and tucked it into my costume. My protective mother instincts immediately kicked in and I wasn't going to let anything happen to these girls!! He spoke to us for quite awhile as one of the girls kept trying to help her friend find us. I could tell by his questions and his comments he was definitely trying to make a connection. My only consolation was that his energy seemed to be directed towards me and he was leaving my little chickies alone. There was just something off with him and I definitely felt like appropriate that I was dressed as a bird. :)
Well, her friends were getting a little frustrated and lost but they were pretty close....I suggested that I drive the girls to the parking lot where they were waiting. My new friends were all too anxious to get off of the street and away from our predator....we said our goodbyes and hopped in the car. As soon as we were out of earshot the girls start in with their concerns and how they felt around the wolf - it wasn't just me. Phew. Smart girls :)

Well, as we were driving to the meeting spot....the friend of the girl was really nervous that they had hopped in the car with me. GOOD FRIEND!! In this world one can never be too careful.....Well we pulled up right next to them. What I see is this young kid - looked about their same age - really adorable leaning against his car - total "Jake Ryan" in "Pretty in Pink" but looking a little on edge. I of course roll down my window to let him know that the girls were completely safe and sorry to worry him. He comes to my window and we start talking about the situation and I'm looking up directions to get them home (they didn't live in L.A. - hence the getting lost) - next thing I know this adorable little cub says I'm much more beautiful then the "chick" in the movie and asks me out!!!! Yes you heard me right!! I tried not to laugh - fragile egos and all - and sure another age ago absolutely I would've gone, but seriously??!! So I told him - Honey I'm probably a little older than you think I am - His response what 25? I smiled knowingly - "what? older? 28? - I said you're sweet, disappointment in his face, then he says - I'm ok with it! - Oh precious. I smiled and gave the directions to them....then he asked one more time - Points for persistence in a non annoying and actually very smoothe way!! What's funny is the friend girl I had just met said - he'll be 20 soon!! LOL - just precious.
said something like - "oh honey you are adorable - but I'm not right for you. Though you did make my whole night!! I love being flirted with by cute boys. ;)" And of course giving him my flirty smile. So they got in their car with a wave and he sent me off with a <3 gesture. What a cutie. And I winked and smiled and drove away.....wondering this drive home - Why oh why do I only get the wolves and cubs??!! I'm not complaining - the cubs are SUPER flattering and I love it - but can we maybe add some with a few more years? I at least want to be able to take him into the club with me. LOL